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One year’s worth of work, in CD form. Sans shrink wrap.

The CD’s are printed, they’ve been mailed to radio stations and press, they’ve been mailed to the Kickstarter contributors (most of them, that is), the CD release shows are set and the publicity has been arranged…it’s time now to step back and let this thing do whatever it’s going to do. The CD release date is set for September 11, and we start a run of regional shows after that for a couple months to support it.

I’m really happy with the way this project has come out. It’s a little raw-er than the most recent project, but it’s dead on as far as accuracy. And most importantly, I can hand this to anyone, anywhere, with complete confidence and say “This is what we sound like as a band, this is what I sound like solo, and these are the kinds of songs I write.” We could have done a lot more, but we consciously chose not to. It’s an americana/folk rock/singer-songwriter sound I can get behind totally, and I hope you guys can too!

There’s also a brand new website up and running as of mid last week, and you guys should go and check it out at For those of you who didn’t manage to get in on the Kickstarter or haven’t received your disc yet (probably because you haven’t sent me your address…) there are four songs there on the music page from the new project that you can stream right now. My buddy Reggie at Curve Theory ( has put in a lot of hours and hard work and come through for me once again with a fantastic looking and really functional site.

It feels like the calm before the storm to me. It’s like I just have to wait to see how it goes and what happens over the next couple months. The CD isn’t technically released, but I’m getting a lot of good feedback from folks that have gotten their advance copies. You, the fans, have made this project happen, and in a couple weeks I’m going to ask you to help me out again to get it out there to your networks and friends and music industry connections. I’ll be updating this blog and sending out another newsletter at the release, so think about that for me for the next week or so and I’ll be back with some really easy ways for you to share the new music with anyone you choose to. I personally think that getting the music out there as far as possible is the most important thing in the modern music industry, so an artist can follow it up with the real product: the live shows and performances.

So until then, check out the new website, enjoy your labor day weekend, and keep in touch!


